Nathan Sayre, Local Director
The Sayres live in Kenova, WV, with their two sons, Caleb and Levi, and are members of Pea Ridge Baptist Church in Huntington, WV. Nathan grew up around CEF® but didn’t get involved until the summer of 2002 when he served as a CYIA® Summer Missionary. In the fall of 2004, Nathan became a part-time field worker for CEF® of Greater Huntington.
Erin began serving as a Summer Missionary in 2006 with CEF® of Kanawha. While attending CYIA, Erin met Nathan, who was serving as an instructor. Nathan was called to serve full time with CEF® that winter. Two years later, in May 2008, Nathan and Erin were married and have continued to serve the Lord together with CEF® of Greater Huntington. Nathan and Erin continued their training and graduated from the Children’s Ministries Institute® in 2008.
Nathan became the Local Director of CEF® of Greater Huntington in January 2010. Nathan and Erin have a passion for serving the Lord and a vision to continue His work in the Tri-State area. Partnering with the help of the Holy Spirit, they desire to see the expansion and growth of CEF® in the Tri-State area. Reaching more boys and more girls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the focus of the Greater Huntington Chapter of CEF®!